


  • 电话:13615150218
  • 邮箱:391320136@qq.com
  • 地址:江苏省东台市海陵南路36号
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  I am actually a native of this city and entered xxx university after I passed the higher educational entrance test. That is why I love this piece of land and want to make contribution for my hometown.I have been working hard as a student and a part-time teacher. Sometimes friends ask me whether I'm a tireless person. Of course I am not. But I just like that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. I enjoy the alternative roles: being an English teacher and a student at the same time. In my class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach English study in their unique ways, because I believe study is a personalized process. Last week when I gave them the first class of this semester, I said,"everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, and I want to be a good teacher in its real sense". I'm not the traditional teacher. I try to reform the English teaching in my classes. Hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.

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